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Breathe with Intention,

Breathe with Love,

Breathe your Dreams into Reality.

Are you tired of replaying the same old stories, trapped in the never-ending loop of life? It's time to break free from those self-imposed limitations. Breathe to Manifest offers you a sacred space to look inward, clear blockages, and shed old versions of yourself that no longer serve you?

What is Breathe to Manifest?

Breathe to Manifest is a year-long supported online journey to support you in manifesting your dreams.  It invites you to embark on a deep and transformative exploration within. It is a holistic pathway that illuminates your true potential, unravels the layers of old stories, and ushers in a new chapter of your life—one filled with vibrant abundance and limitless possibilities.

Making long-lasting changes to your life is not an overnight fix. Transformation takes time, dedication, and commitment. It also needs a supportive community to keep you going when things get tough, or you feel like no progress is being made. 

Breathe to Manifest is a year-long program that acknowledges the effort and time required.  During this time, monumental shifts can occur. Keep your vision clear and your heart open.

Build Your Inner Power: Within you lies an untapped wellspring of power, waiting to be awakened. Through the transformative practice of breathwork and supportive shamanic practices, you will unlock this power, allowing it to flow effortlessly through every aspect of your being. Harnessing the breath as your divine tool, you will discover the profound connection between your breath, your energy, and the manifestation of your desires.

Journey Inwards, Manifest Outwards: The Breathe to Manifest™ program encourages you to journey inward, unravelling the layers of conditioning, blockages, and self-imposed limitations that have held you back. By delving into the depths of your soul, you will release old stories and outdated versions of yourself, creating a fertile ground for the seeds of your dreams to take root and flourish.

Building Solid Foundations: To manifest your dreams, it is essential to build solid foundations upon which your desires can manifest. Throughout this transformative journey, you will explore essential pillars that lay the groundwork for sustainable and long-lasting change:

  1. Nervous System Regulation: Changing your life means stepping out of your comfort zone into something new.  You will need a foundation of safety and security as you navigate the winds of change, enabling you to embrace transformation with grace and ease.

  2. Healing and Integration: Embrace the fragments of yourself and gently heal the wounds of the past. Reclaim your wholeness and access the fullness of who you are born to be.

  3. Breathwork as Co-Creation: Learn Manifestation Breathwork™ practices as a gateway to co-creating with the Universe. Align your desires with the highest good, transcending the limitations of the individual self and stepping into the realm of collective dreams.

  4. Honouring Your Needs: Nurture yourself and restore balance in all areas of your life. By honoring your needs, you cultivate a harmonious relationship with the abundance that flows effortlessly into your reality.

  5. Transforming Money Beliefs: Release the shackles of scarcity and embrace a new, healthy relationship with abundance. Rewire your beliefs surrounding money and create a magnetic resonance that draws prosperity into your life.

  6. Reprogramming Your Thoughts: Align your thoughts and soul vibrations, rewriting the narrative of your reality. Infuse your consciousness with empowering beliefs that amplify your manifestations.

  7. Amplifying Personal Resonance: Align your intentions with the vibration of your desires. Magnetize your dreams by ensuring that what you seek also seeks you, creating a harmonious dance of attraction.

Community Connection: At Breathe to Manifest, community connection is at the heart of our transformative journey. Join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who celebrate your vision, provide unwavering support, and foster an environment of non-judgment and expression. Here, you can shed the stories that no longer serve you and embrace your authentic self, knowing you are fully seen, heard, and uplifted.

Monthly Program Themes:

  1. Setting Intentions - Harnessing the Power of Your Desires: Discover the art of setting clear intentions and aligning your focus to manifest your desires effectively.

  2. Roots and Regulation - Being a Nervous System Ninja: Develop techniques to regulate your nervous system and establish a solid foundation for your transformational journey.

  3. Purification - Spring Clean of Self and Surroundings: Cleanse and release stagnant energy within yourself and your environment to make way for new beginnings.

  4. Unification - Sacred Union of your Divine Masculine and Feminine: Embrace and integrate the divine masculine and feminine energies within you to achieve harmony and balance.

  5. Own Your Sexual Power - Sexual Healing and Sex Magic: Heal and transform your relationship with your sexual energy, tapping into its creative potential and experiencing profound healing.

  6. Money Love - Liberation from Financial Limitations: Transform your relationship with money and cultivate a healthy balance between abundance and financial well-being.

  7. I AM - Healing and Rediscovering Your True Self: Dive deep into your inner self, healing wounds, and reconnecting with your authentic essence.

  8. Love Revolution - Activating the Love Within: Awaken and activate the power of love within yourself, radiating it to others and creating a positive impact on the world.

  9. Mind Mastery - Limiting Beliefs Be Gone: Reprogram your thoughts and beliefs to align with your desires and unleash your full potential.

  10. Magnetic Manifestation - Cultivating Pleasure to Attract Your Desires: Harness the power of pleasure and joy to magnetize and attract your deepest desires.

  11. Aligned Action - Heart-Inspired Activism: Take inspired and aligned action in the world, expressing your purpose and making a meaningful difference.

  12. The Art of Manifestation - Evaluation and Rejuvenation: Reflect on your journey, evaluate your progress, and rejuvenate your vision as you step into the next chapter of your life.

Some final important bits of information -

  • The 6-month 1to1 apprenticeship costs £5000 which can be paid in instalments. 

  • Enrolment for this option can happen at any time and times of meetups are flexible.

  • I only take on a maximum of 12 students on apprenticeships to make sure that I can be fully committed to supporting your journey.

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What people are saying about the apprenticeship journey -

“What I love about the Breathing Space apprenticeship is that I can go at my own pace. Everything is set up so fantastically online. I always feel supported and there is an endless library of workshops to go through. ”

Carolanne Hall

“The apprenticeship pathway has been the absolute coolest thing I have ever done. It’s had the most profound impact on me as a person which has bled in to all my other relationships. ”

— Andrew Garritano

“One of the biggest things is the mentorship that I have with another man who is genuine, authentic, and real to talk to, to collaborate with, to discuss things with. It’s something that I think a lot of people really lack in their lives and something this program really does.”

— Josh P. Heintz

Breathing Space is proud to be a Global Professional Breathwork Alliance-certified school.
The Global Professional Breathwork Alliance (GPBA) is a consortium of professional breathwork schools, trainers, and practitioners who support and promote the integration of breathwork in the world as an accessible and vital healing modality that facilitates physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual wellness. The GPBA is open to all breathwork practitioners and schools agreeing to uphold the principles of ethics and standards set forward by the Alliance.

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